Friday, October 26, 2012

10/26 Friday Post

     So 1.4.2 came out making it even more difficult for the modders to update there mods; however it should be fine due to the fact that Mojang gave them snapshots to work with and 1.4.2 didn't really add much.  It should only take another couple of weeks for the modders to update there mods, but that doesn't mean we (the community) should pressure them to get it up and running.  If we do that there will probably be a good amount of bugs that we will have to deal with and the mod Gods will have no mercy on our souls.

    What I want to point out now is how much the modders work for our entertainment.  If you think about it they have to change a large addition to the game and they have to update it when minecraft updates, it adds a  stress to the modders to get their mods out to the public.  So please in the up coming weeks if an update for a mod comes out, forgive any bugs that exist and report them to the modders ASAP so they can get there mods up and going as fast as they possibly can.

     In a short sweet simple sentence, don't piss off modders.  Put yourself in their shoes and try to appease the people and delivery a quality product within a short amount of time.


  1. I find this blog really informative and great to find new mods!
    -Your only Veiwer

    1. Oh hey finally found some one how are you?

    2. Fine, i just wanted to call you out on being the "Only Veiwer". Oh, by the way its spelled "Viewer".

    3. Well, no need to be a jerk about it, I maid a mistake sorry. . . .

    4. Made* Hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahah

    5. Like i said no need too be a jerk.


    7. Well you know what! Im just going to stop going here. You have gained the title "The Only Viewer". Have a good life gramer nazi.
